Nitin Gosain
CEO, Cleon Powertech
Cleon runs under the guidance supervision of two maestros of the Solar and Lead Acid Battery Industry, Mr. Nitin Gosain (CEO) Drives the company’s vision and growth strategies. and Mr. Arun Aggarwal (COO).
Mr. Nitin Gosain, with over 3 decades of experience in the battery industry, looks over the marketing and networking of the company. It is under his vision that Cleon has been able to reach a global position in the present-day lead acid battery and solar industry. It is his work ethic that can be seen reflecting throughout the Cleon team – full of dedication and with a focus on superior quality at the fairest prices.

Arun Kumar
COO, Cleon Powertech
Arun Agarwal - COO
He ensures that our top of the line manufacturing facility functions smoothly without any breaks. He is the leading man on the manufacturing front with over a decade of experience in top quality battery manufacturing.
His ideologies and methods are firmly fixed towards fulfilling the demands of our customers timely without any compromise in the quality promised.